Benefits of Membership

Institutional Member

  • Access to full peer reviewed research papers on DEFSA website for all previous conference submissions
  • Institutional listing on DEFSA website including institutional profile and contact details.
  • Advertising platform on the DEFSA website: open days/exhibitions/vacancies/events etc
  • Networking opportunities: Access to think-tanks run by DEFSA Institution members
  • Opportunities to host events on behalf of DEFSA to promote institution within the sector
  • Access to database of potential academics, moderators, guest speakers, consultants and practitioners active in the design industry and design education sector
  • Networking opportunities
  • Institutional members are listed on the website, with links to the institution's website.
  • Printed membership certificate with unique security number will be issued

Individual: professional member

  • Opportunity to present and publish research papers at biennial DEFSA conference
  • Access to full peer reviewed research papers on DEFSA website for all previous conference submissions
  • Develop individual research profile
  • Reduced biennial conference rates
  • Listing on DEFSA website
  • Networking opportunities: Access to think-tanks run by DEFSA Institution members where opportunities with other academics and practitioners within the design sector may be established
  • Potential opportunities to become a moderator, guest speakers/lecturer, consultants or practitioner active in the design industry and design education sector
  • Digital membership certificate with unique security number will be issued

Individual: Student Member

  • Opportunity to present and publish research papers at biennial DEFSA conference Access to full peer reviewed research papers on DEFSA website for all previous conference submissions
  • Develop individual research profile
  • Reduced biennial conference rates
  • Networking opportunities: Access to think-tanks run by DEFSA Institution members where opportunities with other design students, academics and practitioners within the design sector may be established
  • Potential opportunities to establish network for internship and future employment
  • Digital membership certificate with unique security number will be issued


To apply for or renew your membership, please click here

The DEFSA Website

The DEFSA website offers a logical and user-friendly perspective of each conference, including the keynote speakers, the papers, the reviewers and a gallery of photographs. The public can quickly assess the papers at each conference, and both the author and their institution are clearly credited with the work.

  • Convenient categorisation and search by keyword, making it easy to find relevant papers by topic.
  • Mobile and tablet friendly
  • Information on the Peer Review Process which we hope will make life easier for authors, and encourage submission from new authors.
  • Showcase of design events and news of interest to members – please don’t forget to tell us about your institution’s open days, student exhibitions, achievements and conferences.
  • With the help of our members, we plan to expand our knowledgebase of articles on best practice in academic research, in pedagogy and in design. Please share your expertise and ideas – all articles will be credited.
  • The functionality to manage the peer review process and the conference have been separated from the publication of the papers. This improves the focus and security of the public “face” of DEFSA and allows for an attractive interface appropriate to the design profession.

We look forward to receiving your membership applications and to seeing the design education community growing. Please contact us, if you have any questions or suggestions towards the improvement of the Forum.

Remember, DEFSA exists because of your participation and contribution.

DEFSA conferences

DEFSA promotes relevant research with the focus on design + education through its biennial conferences, to promote professionalism, accountability and ethics in the education of young designers. Our next conference is a hybrid event. See above for details.

Critical skills endorsement

Professional Members in good standing can receive a certificate of membership, but DEFSA cannot provide confirmation or endorsement of skills whatsoever. DEFSA only confirm membership of DEFSA which is a NPO for Design Education in South Africa (